Hazel's new friend, MSD Hewitt
At the start of this month I officially introduced my first Volks mini, Hazel, a Coordinate model F-61 SDM, and I said something about her needing a small friend. Well, in all honesty, I'd already bought said friend when I wrote that post, but I didn't say anything more because I wasn't sure what condition he'd be in when he arrived.
He turned out to be in great condition, so I've already found him an outfit and taken some photos. Here's Mini Super Dollfie Hewitt (official name pending).

He also turned out to be something of a mystery. I found him for a really good price on Dollyteria, where it said he had a faceup by K. Mayura, who left Volks in 2016 or so. I also saw a one-off certificate in the photos, though couldn't read any details on it, and a very old-style Volks box (the one with a cardboard sleeve instead of a lid). Also, the MSD (Mini Super Dollfie) body isn't made any more - it was replaced with the SDM body (Super Dollfie Midis).
Dollyteria's photos were quite washed out, so it was hard to see how much the resin had yellowed, but from all this information I was fully expecting a very yellow old boy who would need some attention - maybe even an exchange for his head and a new body.
So when he arrived, it was a really nice (if confusing) surprise to see fresh-looking resin and a date of 2023 on the one-off certificate.
Some nice friends on Discord puzzled through it with me, and the most likely explanation is that he was originally an old one-off, but the body and head were exchanged at Volks (before they started replacing the MSD body with an SDM body, as they do now) and the head had the faceup redone by K. Mayura - this is a service Volks provides for one-off dolls, and there are previous cases of K. Mayura coming back to do faceups even though they have left Volks. And perhaps Volks issued a new one-off certificate at the same time for some unknown reason.
If anyone has more insight into this, I'd love to hear it - drop me a line on Bluesky if you do!
Anyway. Nice fresh new-ish Hewitt. I'm very happy. And now Hazel has someone of her own size to look mournful with.

Hazel's wig and school uniform are by Volks. Both pairs of eyes are by Lepus. Hewitt's wig is by Crobidoll (bought second-hand), and his shirt is by Melody.C.