Ursula finally gets a photoshoot (and a new outfit)
In 2022, I returned to the doll hobby after many years away (no drama: life just got in the way, so I packed up my dolls and kept them in a cupboard). Ursula was the first Volks doll I bought that year, a SDGr Dream Angel Una. I'd always loved the F-01/Four Sisters sculpt, so it was really special to realise a long-forgotten dream.
Ironically, I then mostly kept her in her box for the next few years.
Yesterday, I decided I really wanted to join in with a hashtag on Bluesky (building doll community on a different social network means you actually have to engage with things there). This hashtag is from the Japanese community, and is something like "it's the first of the month, so please share photos of your F-01/Una/etc": #1日なので01番・初期子・ウナ・以下略の画像ください
Last year I bought the White Lily Junior High School uniform set from Volks, which was (to my shame) sitting in a cupboard up until yesterday, unopened. I had another doll in mind for the set, but Ursula has always had witchy vibes in my mind. The set is completely black, so I think we can argue that it also has witchy vibes, even though it's a school uniform.
Out to the garden we went!

I was particularly impressed with the bag, which has a clear elastic strip just inside the handle. This grips on to your doll's hand so they can hold it more easily, and isn't very visible in photos.

The outfit itself is beautifully made, and I really like the puffy sleeves of the little bolero jacket. I wish my school uniform had been like this (it was uniquely ugly).

Let's hope it doesn't take another 2.5+ years for me to take photos of her again.