Small-time Hijinks

BJD 15 Questions

Let's kick off the blog! A general overview of my doll hobby preferences seems like a nice way to start.

Thanks to montydollcrew (see their original post) for making these questions.

1. When did you get into the hobby? Do you remember the reason?

It was probably 2003, because I ordered my first doll right at the end of that year, but it might even have been late 2002. I don't remember the exact moment, but it was almost certainly on a website or maybe in one of the Gothic & Lolita Bibles.

2. Related, what was one of the first dolls you remember seeing? (A photo or in person)

It was a long time ago, but I remember loving a Volks F-08 girl (old version) on a website owned by an artist called Jujube, and the Volks Four Sisters girls. Almost the only doll company around at the time was Volks, and there were no in-person meets in the UK at the time.

3. Do you have a ‘type’ of doll you gravitate towards or do you like a bit of everything? (i.e. general look, size, ambience)

⅓ scale with a stylised (as opposed to realistic) appearance, preferably with something a little bit old-fashioned about their sculpt, and a slightly sweet/sad/grumpy expression.

4. Do you like bigger or smaller dolls? How big/small is your limit?

I like the presence of ⅓ scale dolls, but I have two ¼ dolls and a few ⅙ dolls – I love how tiny they are.

I wouldn't go bigger than Volks Super Dollfie 17 size (i.e. on the larger end of ⅓ scale) purely because of space considerations, and I'd probably not go smaller than ⅙ because then sewing for them becomes a real challenge.

5. Do you have a favourite company? What do you like about them?

Volks and Alchemic Labo. I appreciate lots of companies, but always gravitate towards these when I think about what I want to own.

For both companies, I just really love something about the sculpting style.

6. Do you have a preference for resin, vinyl or other?(i.e. ABS and other plastics)

Definitely resin, but I do have a couple of resin heads on Obitsu bodies, and some Blythe dolls. I'd be a bit nervous about the staining issues with vinyl, plus their aesthetic tends to be more anime. I like the aesthetic, but not to own.

7. Do you still have your first doll?

Yes (Sadame), but he's pretty yellow, and currently in the process of having a serious doll spa that may involve sanding...

8. Gush about your favourite doll.

I definitely can't pick a favourite, because there's something different I like about each of them. They all spark my imagination and make me start thinking up stories in my head.

9. Do you prefer dolls based on existing characters (official or custom), dolls based on your original characters, or dolls that are just dolls?

Dolls that are just dolls... kind of. I don't make characters for the dolls but after I get one, I do start to think about what clothes they should wear, how they should look in photos, and what sorts of accessories/props they should have. So I guess there's some loose character-building there.

10. Have you ever been to a doll/BJD focussed convention (e.g. Doll’s Party, IDoll, Doll Show, Resin Rose, L Doll, Dollism, PNW BJD Expo, Melbourne BJD Emporium etc). Would you like to? Which seems most interesting to you based on what you know?

Never, but I would love to go to any of them because I've never met another BJD owner in person. If I had to choose, I'd especially like to visit any of the conventions in Japan, purely because I would get to see more Volks dolls in person, and possibly some dealers that I've followed for a while.

11. How important is the photography side of the hobby to you? Do you enjoy photography and sharing photos or do you like to keep things to yourself?

It's really important, and always has been. Composing the photo, thinking about the lighting and the outfit and even props... so much fun. It's the main reason I started taking photos back in 2004 when I got my first doll. I like to share and I absolutely love to see photos of other dolls - definitely my happy place. My skills are highly dubious but I'm trying to put more effort in to backgrounds and lighting.

12. Have you ever travelled with a doll? Would you like to?

I actually took my first doll, Sadame, to Japan in 2006, and even brought him to Tenshi no Sato in Kyoto.

13. What’s your grail doll? If you don’t have one, do you have a ‘bucket list’ hobby wish - something you really want to be able to do/make/experience one day?

I have a shortlist of dolls I'd maybe like to adopt in future, but most of them are not too difficult to get. So, no grail.

For a bucket list item, I would mainly just like to build on my sewing and photography skills, and put more time into backgrounds and props. Maybe make doll shoes myself one day?

14. A magic doll fairy appears and decides to grant you a wish. She can make the type of (non-existent) doll you wish existed finally exist in reality. What is it?

That's a tough one! I'm not sure I'm really missing any kind of doll. Maybe the magic doll fairy can just make a resin that doesn't yellow... and then retroactively apply it to all my dolls.

15. What’s your piece of advice for a newbie?

This is an amazingly creative hobby. However, social media can make it seem like everyone is a speedy hobby genius and that they're churning out new dolls/new outfits/new photos every day. Not only is this usually not true, but there's nothing wrong with taking your time. If it's not enjoyable, don't do it.

Just because a person shares the same hobby as you, doesn't mean they are a good person. There are shitty people everywhere – and very good ones, of course. But don't let anyone tell you how to enjoy your hobby (unless they're telling you not to buy recasts, because then they're right).

And do your research when buying. There's of course the recast problem, but also look into prices, be a savvy buyer, and always make sure you are protected as a buyer and get shipping insurance.