Small-time Hijinks

White hair for SD13 Elizabeth

After my last post where I showed Elizabeth's default look, and shared thoughts on eyes, I think I've found my favourite eye/wig combo so far.

I don't know who made the wig (bought at a very decent price from Yahoo! Japan Auctions) but the eyes are from SD17 Ludo's default release. I think they now belong to Elizabeth. They're a small iris HG glass eye (18mm size), and I really like the blue against her saturated faceup.

I love teasing out the potential in a doll, especially when you know the default look doesn't work for you, but there's something very strong in there somewhere. This is it.

Female ball-jointed doll with long wavy white hair, blue eyes, wearing a cream lacy blouse, with her hand covering the pendant of a necklace. Female ball-jointed doll with long wavy white hair, blue eyes, wearing a cream lacy blouse and a gold amethyst necklace.