Small-time Hijinks

Rigel joins the Interstellar Dormitory

I bought my Super Dollfie Rigel as a head from another owner, and he's never really been properly dressed, because SD10 boys are quite a lot smaller than my other dolls. He's mostly been hanging out in a handknitted fluffy jumper and some too-long SD13-sized trousers. Cute, but not really special.

In all his releases (apart from any one-offs), Rigel is part of the Interstellar Dormitory a kind of astronomically themed school for boys which of course has its own uniform, but every time I saw it, it seemed a bit pricy.

But after a long time of no proper outfit, Rigel has been treated to the proper Interstellar Dormitory experience. I needed a new SD boy body (due to another head purchase) and managed to pick up Alto's body and original outfit for a very good price. (SD boy bodies are always pretty cheap, in my experience, and there's usually always a few options available on second-hand marketplaces or auction sites.)

Alto's outfit is an Interstellar Dormitory uniform, so finally, my Rigel can start attending the Interstellar Dormitory and learn about his namesake.

Three-quarter portrait photo of a boyish-looking male resin ball-jointed doll. He has thick eyelashes, short grey hair, grey eyes. He's wearing a beige beret with a star emblem, a white skirt with lace at the collar, and a dark blue and beige jacket with star emblems and gold trim.

Or just lounge around looking pensive and writing poetry and making toast on a fire, which is what I imagine daily life to be at the Interstellar Dormitory.

Portrait photo of a boyish-looking male resin ball-jointed doll, who is looking into the camera. He has thick eyelashes, short grey hair, grey eyes. He's wearing a beige beret with a star emblem, a white skirt with lace at the collar, and a dark blue and beige jacket with star emblems and gold trim.